Despite increasing production more than threefold since the 1991 merger with VW, ŠKODA AUTO has not increased the absolute strain it places on the environment. On the contrary, some indicators, including water consumption and air pollution emissions, have dropped significantly. This has been achieved by major investment in environmental protection, channelled mainly into the modernisation of energy sources, the construction of top-class bodywork paint shops and wastewater treatment facilities, and soil and groundwater protection, and the implementation of energy-saving measures.
ŠKODA minimises the impact that its operations will have on the environment in the longer run. The ISO 14001 audit has proved that corporate policy obligations, including legal requirements, are being fulfilled. ŠKODA AUTO is thus making headway in the pursuit of sustainable development. In the refinement of its internal systems, ŠKODA AUTO has been EMS (energy management system) certified in accordance with ISO 50001.
The efficiency and suitability of the integrated management system is checked annually in an audit conducted by an external certified company. Adherence to the requirements of the international ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 standards is documented by valid certificates issued by an accredited certifying authority (ŠKODA has yet to be certified as ISO 27001 compliant).
The ISO 9001 quality management system certificate is one of the conditions for the car type approval required by the EU’s lawmakers and the majority of other markets where we distribute cars. We are not allowed to sell our cars without type approval and a valid certificate.
The ŠKODA AUTO environmental management system, certified in accordance with EN ISO 14 001:2004, is part of the Integrated Management System. EMS covers the following activities at the plants in Mladá Boleslav, Kvasiny and Vrchlabí:
• the development, manufacture, sale and service of motor vehicles, components and tools;
• CKD/SKD vehicle manufacture and shipping; the sale of genuine spare parts and accessories.